Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Here's some more junk for you. :3 I am feeling much better about this now. Good feedback. Good progress. Sweet.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Oh Yeah, I forgot to post things

So for my thesis, I didn't just stop working on it. I've been busting my metaphorical balls on it. Fo' sho'. So... I guess I should give you guys a itsy bitsy little taste of what I've been doing. I pretty much keyed almost all the shots, and I'm on to inbetweening... so I will give you the simplest inbetweened shots ever! Because I'm mean like that! Har har har.

Meanwhile, I STILL NEED A TITLE. Please give me title suggestions, please. I'm drawing a blank on everything, and this is baaaaaaaahhh-d. >_< please shoot me.

Also, I need to start writing my thesis statement which I will present in front of a large crowd after the screening of my film in the spring. I honestly have no desire to write or talk for 6-8 minutes, especially about something deep and sentimental regarding my life's journey and animation as its forefront imaginative outlet. That's boring. And too emotional for me. So, I think I want to make my speech silly and FULL OF SHEEP PUNS. So, I would like to start collecting bad jokes and any sheep pun you can think of. Feel free to leave them in the comment area.

I was gonna start with this... "This is not deep, but sheep..."

Please, just shoot me now.